Why it’s Time to Consider a snowflake services as Part of Your Modern Data Architecture?

Divyesh Dharaiya
Published in
6 min readJul 14, 2023


It is already common that data is more valuable than oil in the 21st century. As a result of the progression of digitization, a rising number of data are being produced.

The era of data in marketing has come, but it is not yet an integral element of the routine operations of the marketing departments of all firms. The majority of them currently have access to a vast array of data, such as information on their customers, information created via a range of communication channels like websites or social media channels, data obtained from second and third-party sources, and information regarding product use (Internet of Things).

Snowflake is often used in the field of data architecture; nevertheless, these concepts are frequently used interchangeably, which may lead to misunderstanding.

Numerous businesses are already making use of marketing automation software to monitor customer activity in real-time and provide (possible) consumers with information that is relevant to their needs based on the results of these monitoring efforts.

In addition to this technology solution, which is offered by several different vendors, the organizational structure is also an essential component. Snowflake consulting services is looking for individuals that can pit useful information and finally transform it into strategies that are suited for any complex situation. In addition to this, it is necessary to have a flexible organizational structure that makes it feasible to execute new strategies that are based on data. If a company cannot act on the information it has gained about where demand for a product or service is likely to rise, then having this knowledge is ultimately pointless.

How Snowflake uses the overall data environment?

The variety of the data being collected is growing. In the past, the majority of data originated from internal sources, such as transactional, ERP, and CRM systems, and was presented in organized formats at a pace and volume that was predetermined. Today, in addition to the sources that have been used in the past, data is being produced by a variety of sources that is both broad and constantly evolving. These sources include application logs, online interactions, mobile devices, and many more. These data typically come at extremely variable rates and quantities, and they do so in flexible semi-structured forms such as JSON or Avro.

Many companies run their data warehouses separately from their data lakes. They do this so they may mine their data warehouses for actionable business insights while still retaining the ability to utilize their data lakes for storage and data science. Some companies connect their data lake and their data warehouses to create a unified data platform that serves as a source of data for business intelligence and data science. This may take the shape of a data warehouse that operates in parallel with the company’s data lake or a data warehouse that is embedded inside the company’s data lake. The data storage stacks of some companies also include data marts as an additional component.

Developers can make use of Snowflake’s elasticity and scalability without having to worry about factors such as high up-front costs, performance, or the complexity of operating the system since Snowflake is hosted in the cloud. This makes Snowflake an attractive option for developers.

The Rise of the snowflake data warehouse

Because these restrictions are intrinsic to the insufficient design of conventional data warehouses and big data solutions, they cannot be remedied with random feature upgrades. Rather, these modifications are required. It is important to undertake a comprehensive redesign as well as a rethinking of the technology and architecture of data warehouses to overcome their deficiencies.

What would we construct if we were to begin over, free from the burden of the accumulated baggage that comes with the history of data warehousing? The perfect data warehouse would combine the benefits of traditional data warehousing, such as performance and security, with the adaptability and scalability of modern “big data” technologies.

For data to live up to the enormous potential it has, it first needs to be freed from the constraints imposed by traditional data warehouse methodologies. In the correct cloud-based system, all types of data might be imported, converted, integrated, managed, analyzed, and most importantly, acted upon. This could be accomplished by first transforming the data and then integrating it.

The creators of Snowflake refer to this one-of-a-kind strategy as the Data Cloud. Their very effective architecture assures that there is only one version of any data gathering, hence ensuring that there is only one version of the truth. Within the Data Cloud, businesses are provided with a single, unified view of their data, which enables them to quickly locate and share controlled data safely, as well as run a variety of analytics workloads. This is the foundation for a platform that can allow fast access to huge volumes of information possible for anybody who has been granted permission to use it.

Benefits of Snowflake data

When it comes to cloud data warehouses, there are a lot of different possibilities, and each person has a particular use cases. Because of Snowflake’s numerous helpful features and general simplicity of use, a growing number of customers are either starting new accounts with Snowflake or transferring over from other services.

The following are just some of the reasons why we find that individuals appreciate making use of Snowflake:

  1. Expanded access with zero redundancy is a method in which people are provided access to a certain resource or service, without any overlap or needless duplication of information. This is an example of a strategy that falls under the category of “zero redundancy.” This strategy is of utmost significance in the modern day, given the ease with which data and information may be misplaced or replicated across several platforms, resulting in confusion and an overall decrease in efficiency.
  2. In every line of business, two characteristics that are essential to success are increased efficiency and accuracy. Snowflake consulting services can improve one’s efficiency involving achieving more work in the same amount of time, whilst increasing one’s accuracy helps to cut down on mistakes and ensures that work is completed properly. In today’s environment, technology has been a significant contributor to increased productivity and precision across a variety of business sectors.
  3. Individuals who are inventive, forward-thinking, and eager to question the status quo can revolutionize business and society. This power resides in their ability to challenge the status quo. Businesses have the potential to boost their productivity while also making a constructive contribution to society if they are willing to embrace new technology, embrace diversity, and promote sustainability.
  4. The Snowflake consulting services may assist businesses in keeping abreast of the most recent developments in their respective industries as well as the most effective procedures for managing data stored in the cloud. This might be particularly helpful for companies that are striving to maintain their competitiveness in the market.
  5. If you need to load data more rapidly or run a high number of queries, you may take advantage of the elastic nature of the cloud by scaling up or down your virtual warehouse to increase or decrease the amount of computing resources available to you. After that, you will be able to limit the size of the virtual warehouse and charge customers just for the time they spend having their queries processed.

Bottom Line

In summing up, the development of the snowflake as a viable option for contemporary data architecture is a significant step forward. It offers the advantages that come with having a data warehouse as well as those that come with having a data lake but without the downsides. Snowflake can save time, money, and resources because it centralizes all of its customers’ data in a single spot and makes it simple for them to access.

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Divyesh is working as freelance a Marketing Consultant specializing in blogging, editor and different digital marketing service provider.